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Where is the special class for new immigrants (foreign spouses) to learn Chinese?

I. New immigrants can study at the affiliated supplementary school of an elementary school in Taipei; people who already have Taiwanese nationality will obtain their degrees after completing the class (please refer to the Elementary School Division of the Department of Education for details).
II. People without a degree can study at "Adult Basic Education Class". There are about 31 small junior high school classes; new immigrants are welcome to apply. Twelve schools have new immigrants' special classes; twenty-three schools have new immigrants/citizens mixed classes. Please refer to the Social Education Division of the Department of Education for the contact phone number and class starting dates.
III. If you require a shorter and more diversified course, enroll in a "Life Maturity Class". These classes are administered by the Taipei City District Office, Household Registration Office, and community University.(Please refer to the Department of Civil Affairs' Fourth Division for details).