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Junior High School Education

Junior High School Education
To encourage junior high school students develop good and healthy interests
Junior High School Education
A female student is learning rock climbing
● General Information

1. The goal of junior high school education is to educate students
to become good citizens with balanced development in the
five aspects of education: virtue, knowledge, physical, sociability, and aesthetics through moral education, legal education and life education.
2. Junior high school is compulsory education in Taiwan. The enrollment for junior high school is open for elementary school graduates aged between 13 and 15 years. There are 59 public schools and 13 public whole schools (including 2 national schools), 3 private high schools, and 12 private whole schools, recruiting a total of 2,945 classes and 98,917 students.

●Important Missions

1. Implement normal class allocation and promote normalized teaching
Implement normal class allocation to improve the learning skills assessment system and decrease the numbers of tests and examinations to reduce students’ academic stress.
2. Promote professional competence development assessment for junior high school teachers to encourage their professional growth
Through the professional competence development assessment for teachers implemented by schools, teachers will better understand the strengths/weaknesses in their teaching and the areas they need to work on. In addition, the Department will also provide the relevant trainings that are designed to help teachers grow professionally so as to improve their teaching performance.
3. Build students’ confidence and explore their multiple intelligence
Emphasize the development of students’ multiple intelligence and ability, and set up a multifaceted evaluation mechanism. To create a self-accomplishment learning environment, enabling students to build up confidence.
4. Develop school-based curriculum and develop school specialty
In line with the proposal of the 9-year basic schooling system, school-based curriculum will be put in place and teaching reform will be executed. The function of the “Committee of School Curriculum Development” and respective academic research teams will be fortified. Encourage teachers to join the development of curriculum and teaching materials and strengthen the development of native and foreign languages teaching.
5. Enhance education for career-planning and skills-development to facilitate creative career development
Inspire students’ thinking in career development. Enhance students’ career planning and continue to implement career and skills development education for junior high school students.
6. Organize “Greater Taipei Area Syllabus Selection for Junior High School” to improve the quality of textbooks
The “Greater Taipei Area Syllabus Selection for Junior High
School” was drawn from public opinion; it involved
extensive input from academic experts and teachers’ opinions before the Department proceeded with the plan in a
responsible and meticulous manner. The goal of the plan is to lighten the load on students and lessen the economic burden on parents while improving the quality of textbooks for junior high schools to safeguard students’ rights to quality education.
7. Strengthen the effects of student counseling and pursue student counseling work
Carry out the “Friendly Campus Student Affair & Counseling Work Plan” including education in the fields of career development, gender equality, voluntary individual guidance system, life education, guidance system for drop-out students, student counseling framework and social work policies to enhance the function of the student counseling system.
8. Carry out human rights and democracy education
Propel education in legal, human rights, and moral character to enhance the meaning and spirit of teachers’ guidance, student grooming and positive discipline. Cultivate students to be equipped with knowledge in human rights, democracy and law.
9. Propel holistic learning to build a well-round person
Propel life education, and different learning approaches including holistic, consolidated, cooperative and experimental, scouts education and services learning to achieve the goals of holistic learning and whole-person development for students.
10. Offer adaptive learning environment to inspire students’ multiple potential
Offer a diverse adaptive learning environment such as organizing the teenagers’ summit, student officer training camps, academic subjects and art competition, social club events, scouts activities, winter/summer camps and experimental learning events. Research and develop cooperative projects, multiple talent exploration courses and alternative education as well as subsidizing private institutions to run the relevant courses. The goal is to enhance the function of adaptive, individualized and remedial teaching to inspire students’ multiple talents.
11. Promote autonomy in education administration and build up an autonomous school operating mechanism
Organize the election of high school and junior high school principals, school administration meetings and routinely convene the Education Assessment Committee. The aim is to involve teachers and parents in school operations so as to accomplish democratization of school policies.

●Future Prospects

1. In line with the educational reforms, encourage schools to develop standardized curriculum and supplementary materials to offer students diverse opportunities for learning and development.
2. Encourage junior high school teachers to engage in education research to improve the quality and effects of education.
3. Enhance teaching effectiveness and teachers’ skills in writing exam papers. Promote normalized teaching to facilitate joyful learning for students.
4. Consolidate the functions of junior high school education counseling groups to effectively improve counseling and research works.
5. Strengthen student affair operation and counseling works. Educate students to be adaptive, capable of exerting their potential and settle down to school and social life.
6. Emphasize school autonomy and administrative operations. Build a partnership between teachers’ and parents’ associations and the school’s administrative body to create a win-win situation.
7. Plan and implement “Greater Taipei Area Syllabus Selection for Junior High School” and “Joint Entrance Examination Proposal”.

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  • To encourage junior high school students develop good and healthy interests
  • Junior High School Education
  • A female student is learning rock climbing