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Teachers’ Remuneration & Continuing Education

●General Information

There are currently 27,669 teachers and 19,290 retired teachers in Taipei City. Education is a long-term project. As such, to ensure that teachers devote themselves fully to education, the municipal government respects teachers’ remuneration in the highest regard. The teachers’ remuneration package is determined on the basis of the relevant standards. Additional benefits and compensation are made available such as allowances for weddings, childbirth, funerals, and child-education fees (cover up to senior high school) upon application. Retired teachers also receive comprehensive retirement care and services.

●Important Measures

1. Recruitment & Remuneration
(1) Open selection scheme
The Department has stipulated the “Teacher Screening Procedure for Junior High School and Elementary School Teachers in Taipei City” since the promulgation of the “Teachers’ Act”. And as such, all schools shall establish their teacher assessment committee in accordance with the “Teacher Assessment Committee Establishment Procedure for Junior High Schools and Elementary Schools” to perform public screening (by the Teacher Assessment Committee) and appointment of teachers by the principals.
(2) Loosen the restrictions of recruitment/appointment regulations for vacant substitute teacher positions
In light of the demands of school affairs, the Department has decided to loosen the restriction of recruitment/appointment regulations for substitute teachers. Municipal junior high schools and elementary schools that are seeking to fill their designated vacancy for substitute teachers through open screening may recruit/appoint existing substitute teachers with appropriate qualifications for the subject/discipline/education status with excellent performance records in the subsequent school year apart from organizing new open screening of designated/substitute teachers. With the approval of the school’s Teacher Assessment Committee, eligible substitute teachers shall be included in the payroll starting from August 1 of the new semester with a contract that may be renewed no more than two times.
(3) Provide inter/intra-city hire services for teachers
In order to safeguard existing teachers’ rights to employment in light of the decreasing number of classes in municipal elementary/junior high schools due to the low birthrate, the Department is involved in the class-reduction and teacher transfer coordination for Taipei City by assessing the accreditation of all teachers across schools in Taipei and helping teachers to fill out their choice of preferred schools based on their current credits. In 2008, the Department has managed to help 65 teachers to complete their transfer.
In addition, based on the residential preferences of junior high school/elementary school teachers, the Department has also assisted 19 teachers to secure employment in different schools within Taipei City along with 142 teachers in other cities/counties based on their transfer preferences.
(4) Teacher remuneration and benefits
Apart from salaries calculated based on teachers’ academic credentials and budgets for academic researches, teachers may receive additional allowance/pay for concurrently holding administrative positions.
Teachers are eligible to apply for corresponding living allowances in the event of marriage, childbirth or bereavement of family members (parents, spouse or offspring). In addition, they may also apply for tuition fee subsidies for their children while they receive education.
2. Budget for health checkups to ensure teachers’ mental and physical health
Set aside an annual budget for health checkups on school principals and teachers. Those aged 50 and over are eligible for a health examination every alternate year. Those aged 50 and over will receive a NT$16,000 subsidy while those aged 40 and over will receive NT$ 3,500. The examinee shall undertake health checkups at any legal http://www-ws.gov.taipei/001/Upload/public/private medical institution and is entitled to special leave on the date(s) of examination. The aim is to ensure teachers mental and physical health.
3. Organize social events for single teachers and school employees to promote sound leisure activities
Host social events for single teachers and school employees to facilitate gender education and offer them the avenue to get to know their potential dates. All single male and female employees of municipal schools and organizations, the Municipal Government and other external organizations are invited to attend. The events give single employees the opportunity to get close to nature, relax in a joyful atmosphere, and facilitate mental and physical well being.
4. Offer encouragement to outstanding teachers to revive work morale
(1) Service Medal: For teachers who have served for 10, 20, or 30 years with outstanding performance, the city government grants them the special Class C, Class B, or Class A awards. Upon retirement or death, teachers are entitled to receive cash rewards in accordance with the Rules Governing the Granting of Cash Rewards to Public Servants Receiving the Service Award (Class C: NT$3,600, Class B:NT$7,200, Class A:NT$10,800).
(2) Recognition for outstanding senior teachers: For outstanding teachers who have served for 10, 20, 30 or 40 years up until the end of July every year will receive the outstanding teacher cash award on Confucius Day each year in accordance with the Rules Governing the Senior Outstanding Teachers Award and Service Medal Presentation (10 years: NT4,000, 20 years: NT$6,000, 30years: NT$8,000, 40years: NT10,000).
(3) Special Outstanding Teachers’ Presentation: To encourage teacher's professional spirit and their enthusiasm, the special outstanding teachers’ presentation is hosted on an annual basis. The Department invites professional, independent and honorable teachers to form the selection committee to make the selection in separate stages. Teachers receiving the award will be presented a trophy and merit certificate, recognized in the government’s publication and sent abroad for a visiting tour.
5. Encourage teachers to undertake continuing education to improve their professional competence
(1) Upon completing one year of service, teachers may apply to undertake further education programs, either part-time or full-time.
(2) The Teachers’ In-Service Center offers teachers a variety of services including training, research, publication, consultation, and social activities. The objective is to enhance teachers’ competency, reform existing teaching approaches, and equip them with new knowledge.
(3) Systematically plan teachers’ training programs and accept applications for in-service training. In 2007, a total of 355,969 person-times have attended the seminars and a total of 1,541,424 credit hours (contributed by 28,896 teachers) have been issued. On average, every teacher has received 53.34 hours of training.
(4) Encourage teachers to pursue multiple training and register for the e-Training passport. Set up the “Taipei Teachers’ In-Service Training Passport” system for organizers to apply and conduct teachers’ training programs, offer individual teachers’ inquiry and registration services and maintain personal passport records. The objective is to set up a database on teachers’ training programs and individual training history.
(5) Publish the “Teachers’ World” and reference materials to further enhance existing teaching materials. Set up the “Teachers Consultation Group”, offering consultation services and resolve counseling, teaching, administrative, and daily living issues.
6. Actively offer care for retirees and attend to their retirement life
Retired teachers are given special care in accordance with rules governing the disbursement of special allowances to retired teachers who have received one-off retirement payout and are experiencing financial difficulties. Eligible single teachers will receive NT$18,000 and those with spouse will receive NT$31,000 every holiday. On Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, eligible retirees receive an additional of NT$2,000. Meanwhile, farewell parties are held for principals, teachers and school employees for appreciation of their immense contribution to education.

●Future Prospects

Teachers’ remuneration is closely tied to their service enthusiasm and dedication. Teachers’ benefits, training and continuing education policy aims at achieving the following objectives:
1. Ensure life stability of teachers to increase their service efficiency.
2. Ensure fair manpower allocation so that the level of teachers’ workload matches the remuneration standards.
3. In accordance with the Teachers Act and Private School Act, devote more resources to look after private school teachers.
4. Assist retirees to adjust to retirement life to enliven the resources of retired teachers.
5. Encourage schools to utilize volunteer helps to motivate teachers’ spirit for volunteer work.
6. Promote digital learning seminars and make them available free of time and location constraints. Increase the width and depth of seminars by integrating them with practical courses to achieve better learning results.
7. Encourage teachers to pursue professional development and give presentations to promote their training results to further enhance the profession.