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Teachers' Research and Learning Program

Teachers' Research and Learning Program
Establish e-learning platforms to help teachers teaching easier
Completely reserve teachers retraining to help schools to get better teachers
General Description

1. To encourage teachers to pursue further education

The city has established a Teachers' Retraining Center, which provides educators at all levels resources for retraining, researching, publishing, consulting and socializing. This facility is intended to enhance the professional knowledge of teachers by supplying them with new ideas about education and revolutionary methods in pedagogy.

2. The principle design of teachers research activities

Mainly considering cooperating with education policy guiding, to correspond with teachers need, the flexibility of class arrangement. To help teachers with their teaching philosophy, to achieve teacher's professional talent and practical experiences.

Important Achievements

1. Systematic teacher study plan, for teachers to study, learn, and increase professional ability. 8,655 teachers had attended the 2003 research seminars wit a total of 6,715 classes.

2. To cooperate with the nine-year mandatory schooling, have been set up teacher's research and continuing study program seminars.

3.“Taipei Education Communication”(a total of 18 issues), “Teacher's world” and other research books have been published on a regular basis. Provide school teachers with materials to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge of new pedagogy.

4.Establishment of “Committee on Teaching Consultation” to provide counseling services for teachers, and assisting teachers at all levels with utilizing educational resources, as well as with solving problems concerning advising and teaching students. Furthermore, it also provides assistance with administrative and daily life difficulties.

5. Accommodate training sessions, and arrange different types of social activities, in order to facilitate a healthy body and mind for every teacher.
(1) Plan and establish a master account for teacher's education and training which certifies the compile data from the department.
(2)Research seminars can not be over 18 hours, schools record of those who achieved, and is recorded into teacher's electronic passport.

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  • Establish e-learning platforms to help teachers teaching easier
  • Completely reserve teachers retraining to help schools to get better teachers