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Senior High School Education

Senior High School Education
Senior High Students'  International Exchange Program
Senior High Students' Extracurriculum Activities
Senior High School Education-1
● General Information

1. The mission of senior high school education is to implement normal education, cultivate citizens to develop sound characters and facilitate students’ career development in order to form the foundation for students’ research skills or professional competence. The primary goals include facilitating teenage students’ physical and mental development, enhancing their communication skills and democratic discipline, increasing their social adaptability, and cultivating their humanity discipline to equip them with international vision and aspiration.
2. There are currently 2 national, 26 municipal (including whole schools and composite high schools) and 23 private high schools, recruiting a total of 1,920 classes and 77,347 students.

●Important Missions

1. Plan the joint entrance examination and enrollment for senior high school and vocational high school students to build a fair and just academic promotion system
Further refine the multiple schemes for admission to senior high schools in the expectation of reducing students’ academic pressure and facilitate students’ adaptability skills through the implementation of multiple evaluation schemes. Respect high schools to make their own recruitment criteria to develop their specialty.
2. Create an excellent teaching and learning environment to enhance teaching effectiveness and quality
Improve campus environment by upgrading equipment at specific subject classrooms and improving general classroom environment engineering. Aim to create a healthy and safe learning environment and improve the quality of education.
3. Enhance the function of various subject advisory groups to improve the quality of teaching
Through the advisory network for high school science, culture and social studies in conjunction with the implementation of the new senior high school syllabus, the academic subject advisory groups shall host workshops for corresponding courses to fortify teachers’ teaching knowledge and skills.
4. Strengthen students’ second language competence by propelling second language educations to broaden students’ global vision
(1) Plan to organize international exchange activities and student exchange programs to broaden high school students’ global vision.
(2) Encourage high schools to offer a second language course, giving students’ more language choices to equip them with the abilities to be competitive globally.
5. Carry out daily life education to cultivate high quality citizens
Emphasize education in a broader range to include daily life, ethics, legal, humanity and services in the hope of cultivating students to become good future citizens.
6. Strengthen student counseling works to ensure sound development of career planning abilities
Supervise schools to carry out student counseling works to include career planning and counsel, life education, gender equality education and emotion management. Equip students with the abilities to make their own career development, enjoy learning and grow up in sound ways.
7. Propel multifaceted educational activities, offer students a diverse learning space
Schools to run extra-curricular activities including winter and summer camps, social club events, scouts and experimental learning to offer students a diverse space for learning and activities.
8. Consolidate the performance evaluation system to improve the quality of education
Conduct performance evaluations for high schools to understand the status of school operations while offering schools assistance to improve the performance and quality of education.
9. Promote professional competence development assessment for senior high school teachers to encourage professional growth
Through schools’ implementation of professional competence development assessment for teachers, teachers will better understand the strengths/weaknesses of their teaching and the areas they need to work on. In addition, the Department will also provide relevant trainings geared towards helping teachers grow professionally and improve their teaching effectiveness.

●Future Prospects

1. Carry out school-based management to develop schools’
specialty and consolidate community resources to keep
in line with social developments.
2. Thoroughly plan diversified enrollment and admissions
for senior high schools. Alleviate the pressure of junior
high school students and facilitate a normalized education.
3. Through standardized course development, course research development and course negotiation scheme by professional teams, the Department shall continue with its effort to ensure the soundness of senior high school education.
4. Emphasize the development of students’ multiple talents. Plan suitable educational activities to boost students’ multiple intelligence, equip them with the adaptability to social diversity and develop future competitive strengths.
5. Strengthen students’ career and psychological counseling work in preparations for further education, future employment and entry into society.
6. Develop student societies and promote reading to achieve the goal of “One Skill Per Student” and help students cultivate their aptitude for life-long learning.
7. Plan international education exchange events to broaden teachers’ and students’ global views and be on the same pace as other countries in education.

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  • Senior High Students' International Exchange Program
  • Senior High Students' Extracurriculum Activities
  • Senior High School Education-1