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Special Education

● General Information

More emphasis will be given to student’s potential development and abilities to overcome obstacles when an educational system is more fully developed. The purpose of promoting special education is not only to respect each student’s rights for education and create the most appropriate learning environment, but more importantly, it is to have everyone make use of his or her special gift and talent.
Special education schools and classes are classified as follows:
1. Students with disabilities:
(1) Pre-school education: a total of 15 schools and 18
classes; a total of 133 schools offering 435 classes for inclusive education.
(2) Elementary school: All schools offer resource classes for students of all levels; a total of 41 schools offering 103 self-sufficient special education classes for students with mental disabilities; 9 schools for students with hearing impairment; and 4 schools for students with visual impairment.
(3) Junior high school: All schools offer resource classes for students of all levels; a total of 21 schools offering 45 self-sufficient special education classes for students with mental disabilities; 4 schools offer to students with hearing impairment and 5 schools for students with visual impairment.
(4) Vocational high school: All schools offer resource classes and a total of 11 schools offering 29 general vocational skills classes.
(5) There are 4 special education schools, offering a total of 165 classes.
(6) There are 6 Special Education Resource Centers for students with mental/psychological disabilities.
2. Gifted and talented:
(1) Elementary school: a total of 37 schools offering 70 gifted classes, 3 schools offering 12 music classes and 2 schools each offering 8 art and dance classes.
(2) Junior high school: a total of 12 schools offering 12 gifted classes, 2 schools offering 6 music classes, 4 schools offering 12 art classes and 2 schools each offering 6 dance classes.
(3) High school: a total of 17 schools offering 58 gifted classes, 3 schools offering 9 art classes, 1 school offering 3 drama classes and 2 schools, each offering 6 music and dance classes.
(4) There is 1 Resource Center for gifted and talented children.

● Important Measures

1. Carry out early intervention programs to look after
underprivileged children
(1) Set up the “Special Education Resource Class” at the Taipei Early Intervention Center and cooperate with social affairs and health organizations to offer early intervention services.
(2) Children receiving special education are given priority in admission to public kindergartens and a subsidy of NT$5,000 per semester is provided to those with disabilities to attend private kindergartens in order for them to receive early education.
2. Implement assessment, placement and assistance program for special education students to provide suitable guidance
Prior to every June, complete the identification of and making arrangements for pre-school, elementary school, and junior high school children needing special care including those entering senior high and vocational schools, offering them adaptive counseling.
3. Establish comprehensive support service system for special education to expand the scope of student service
(1) Besides setting up 6 resource centers for students with disabilities to assist schools in administering special education, the Department also coordinates with medical, social work, labor affairs and other private organizations to set up the support system for students with disabilities, offering them academic, living, and employment assistance. The Department also actively propels the “Operational Modes of Schools’ Special Education Group”.
(2) Set aside a generous budget, offering the various special education subsidies. Recruit special education assistants to assist teachers looking after students. Carry out social worker case management and offer transport services for students with disabilities. Expand the scope of special education services.
4. Improve schools’ barrier-free learning environment to benefit students
(1) Complete the construction of barrier-free swimming pools (upgrade completed in 107 swimming pools. Unable to carry out upgrades at 5 schools due to landscape constraints or relocation).
(2) Improve barrier-free facility to achieve 100% compliance with pertinent regulations. Construct lifts with wheel-chair, accessibility to cater to the needs of students with serious disabilities.
(3) Create an online directory of obstacle-free facilities, allowing handicapped students to get around freely.
5. Develop multifaceted education for gifted students to tap their unlimited potentials
(1) Besides setting up gifted classes for all levels of education, it is also important to incorporate the cultivation of students with special talents in creativity, leadership, and other abilities to the various curriculum and activities.
(2) Propel the “Enforcement Rules Governing the Acceleration Scheme for Gifted High School Students”, school programs for gifted students, and regional educational policies for gifted students. The goal is to infuse gifted education with an open approach that overcomes class constraints with each school operating independently.
(3) Set up the “Taipei Gifted Education Resource Center” to assist schools developing diverse activities and curriculum for gifted students.
6. Consolidate special education evaluation and on-site visits to improve service quality
(1) Besides conducting evaluations on the operations of each school’s special education group, the Department also reviews the results of specific counseling cases related to students with disabilities to gain in-depth understanding as to whether schools are offering adaptive learning services that match students’ needs.
(2) Undertake evaluations or offer on-site assistance covering the various types and levels of gifted education and policies.

● Future Prospects

1. Enhance the mechanism for the identification, placement, schooling, counseling and referral of students needing special care. Offer students suitable placement and comprehensive counseling, continuing education, employment, vocational training, nursing, and medical services.
2. Organize in-service academic staff training programs to enhance their professional competency so as to improve the quality of special education.
3. Research and develop adaptive physical education courses for students with disabilities and encourage schools to offer these students physical training to facilitate their mental and physical well-being.
4. Continue to improve campus barrier-free environment, enhance special education support service and create a quality learning environment to achieve the goal of caring education that is barrier free.

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