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Physical Education and Sanitary Education

● General Information

Sports infrastructure in Taipei City is undergoing sound development, creating entirely new prospects for the future. Hardware facilities include the Taipei Arena, Taipei Dome and regional civilian sports centers. Software facilities include over 1,000 sports events each year. In line with the development of physical and health education, the Department urges schools to promote sports such as swimming and jogging to enhance students’ physical fitness and to enhance the policy of health checkups. The optimal goal is to ensure both the physical and mental fitness of our citizens. Furthermore, Taipei City Government also strives to organize more international sports events to meet the increasing international exposure of the city.

●Important Measures

1.Construct sports facilities, offering citizens a premium sporting environment
(1)Completed the construction of local sports centers in Zhong-Shan, Bei-Tou, Chung-Cheng and Nan-Kang districts. Sports centers in Wan-Hua and Shih-Lin have become operational in 2007. In addition, Neihu Sports Center became operational on August 16 2008 while sports centers in other districts are under construction. We expect there to be at least one sports center in every administrative district.
(2)Construction of the Taipei Dome under BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) arrangement, which will be a multi-function sports stadium that will accommodate up to 40,000 people.
(3)Rebuild the Taipei Track and Field, preparing it to accommodate the 2009 Deaflympic Game. Relevant constructions are expected to finish in mid June 2009.
(4)By July 2008, Taipei City has 111 schools with swimming pools (93 of which are heated swimming pools and the remaining 18 are regular pools).
2.Host international sports games to promote global sports exchange
(1)Organize the 2009 Taipei Deaflympic Games.
(2)Organize the ING Taipei International Marathon.
(3)Organize the Taipei International Dragon Boat Race Championship.
(4)Participate in the International Children’s Games.
(5)Organize the Taipei Youth Folk Sports tour.
(6)Organize the “Taipei- Shanghai and Taipei-Sichuan Sports Exchange Tour” and “Taipei-Yokohama Sports Exchange Tour”.
3.Promote “Sports for All” to facilitate citizens’ physical and mental health
(1)Make plan for the various sports events including sports camps, mountain-climbing, jogging, fast walking, women’s sports game and sports games for the elderly people.
(2)Make plan for the “Health and Happiness on Taipei’s Riverside – 2008 Taipei Dragon Boat Festival” to boost residents’ willingness to participate in traditional cultural sport.
(3)Organize various large-scale running events to encourage residents to exercise.
(4)Plan appropriate physical activities for the physically/mentally disabled so as to strengthen their physical fitness and improve the quality of their lives.
(5)Be creative in organizing the Taipei City Joint Sports Game of Junior High and Elementary Schools.
4.Strongly encourage physical education and emphasize students’ physical fitness
(1)Organize regular training for physical education team leaders and swimming coaches.
(2)Conduct on-site evaluations on the implementation of physical and health education.
(3)Conduct physical fitness tests and utilize physical fitness database.
5.Promote swimming by offering swimming lessons at schools
(1)Swimming is taught at over 98% of the city’s schools, which makes us the top city in Taiwan in terms of promoting this sport.
(2)Over 84.8% of elementary school, 73.8% of junior high school and 62.3% of senior high and vocational school graduates have passed the swimming ability test. The overall passing rate is 73.4%. This is the highest across all cities/counties in Taiwan. This shows that Taipei City Government’s policies on promoting swimming has been successful.
(3)Organize summer swimming camps and training programs for swimming coaches. Propel the policy of shared swimming pool services and offer schools without a pool transportation subsidies.
6.Aggressively cultivate fine athletes to improve our competitive strength in sports
(1)Set up base-level sports training centers that offer sports facility and teachers.
(2)Set up physical education classes and construct a pyramid-shaped sports development system to consistently nurture fine athletes.
(3)Hire school sports coached to compliment the sound sports/training environment.
7.Organize sports events for and encourage the participation of people with disabilities
(1)Organize the municipal sports game for people with disabilities.
(2)Organized the “Invitational Games for the Deaf, Taipei, 2008”.
8.Organize a team of athletes to attend national sports events to further excel in sports
(1)Attended the “2008 National Game for the Disabled” and won first place, receiving a total of 456 medals including 251 gold, 116 silver and 89 bronze.
(2)Attended the “2007 National Sports Game” and won the fifth place, receiving a total of 99 medals including 31 gold, 37 silver and 31 bronze.
(3)Attended the 2008 National Junior High School Sports Meet and finished as the runner up; receiving a total of 164 medals including 56 gold, 57 silver and 51 bronze.
9.Promote health education to ensure students’ physical health
(1)Organize annual health checkups for students, construct a database for students’ health statistics and enhance the follow-up and correction function.
(2)Fully implement school health promotion projects.
(3)Foster professional development of in-service nursing and training staff.
(4)Organize group insurance for students and subsidize lunch expenses for students from low-income/disadvantaged families.
(5)Encourage schools to offer school lunches and administer hygiene and health education.

●Future Prospects

1.Prepare the city for world games especially the 2009 Taipei Deaflympic Games.
2.Continue to pursue the construction projects for sports centers and the Taipei Dome.
3.Construct a comprehensive system for physical education classes to apply consistent physical education.
4.Propel the development of multiple social sports clubs to improve the physical fitness of high and elementary school students.
5.Further refine health promoting schools and ensure specialization of school dietitians and nurses.

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