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International Exchanges

●General information

The process of globalization has led to frequent interactions between people all over the world. As the capital city of Taiwan, Taipei also happens to be the pioneering city on the island in terms of its globalization. In recent years, through the teamwork of staff at the Department and various schools, we were able to actively promote international student exchange activities to draw more and more visiting education organizations, teachers, and students every year. The Department not only strives to provide students with more opportunities for learning but also seeks to cultivate students’ diverse cultural vision and expand their international views. Through a variety of exchange events, the Department will increase international exposure for education in Taipei City and ultimately increase international exposure for Taipei City.

●Important measures

1. Organize international academic exchange events to promote similar activities
(1) Organize international academic symposiums
Academic institutions such as municipal universities, Taipei Municipal Physical Education College, social education organizations and other schools should choose appropriate topics to host international academic symposiums and invite renowned scholars from around the world to attend the event and publish their works at the event. This will improve the standard of academic studies and initiate the climate for research in Taiwan while offering the opportunity for educators in Taipei City to acquire new knowledge.
(2) Attend international conference and similar events
The Department encourages teachers and students from various schools to actively participate in international organizations or take part in international conferences/events (such as dissertation conferences and academic seminars) to assimilate the fruits of researches conducted by scholars and experts abroad. This will help to improve Taipei City’s academic level and reputation while drawing foreign institutions to take an interest in collaborating with Taipei City.
2. Encourage staff and personnel to take official trips abroad to develop international education exchanges
(1) Organize various education study missions to visit other countries
The Department shall assemble education study missions among various http://www-ws.gov.taipei/001/Upload/public/private schools, teachers’ associations and Taipei Bureau of Education to set out for other developed countries to observe advanced education systems and measures implemented around the world. At the same time, the Department will also extend invitations to study missions from other countries to visit Taipei so as to learn from their achievements, which would serve as the basis for education reforms in Taiwan.
(2) Encourage teachers to further their education and training abroad
The Department shall take the initiative to contact sister cities of Taipei/sister schools of various schools in Taipei/partner institutions around the world to strive for similar, if not equal opportunities for teachers to further their academic careers abroad based on the principles of mutual benefits and equal status to elevate teachers’ competence and teaching abilities.
(3) Encourage sister school alliance with schools abroad to establish education partnership relationship. The Department shall encourage schools in Taipei City to develop sister school alliance or education partnership with foreign schools of equal standing to share education resources and achievements. Other forms of education exchanges such as teacher/student visits, exchange teachers, exchange students and so forth should also be encouraged.
3. Plan student visits to expand their international views
(1) Organize Student Exchange Events
Encourage schools to take the initiative to recommend students to renowned schools, education partnership schools around the world and strive for eligibilities. In addition, schools should actively promote student exchange activities and established individualized teaching plans for exchange students to be issued to the designated exchange schools for references.
(2) Encourage scout groups at various schools to take part in international scouts activities
Scout activities offer opportunities for teenagers to be closer to nature which is beneficial to helping them mature physically and mentally. Scout activities held around the world would without a doubt offer more diversified, rich learning environments for students. This is why the Department fervently encourages scout groups at various schools to form groups and participate in international scouts activities.
(3) Encourage cultural groups and military bands at various schools to perform abroad
A school’s cultural groups and military bands are usually what best represent student organizations and are good ways to showcase Taiwan’s unique folk culture in addition to showing students’ vibrant energies and talents. Therefore, the Department encourages all schools to make use of winter/summer vacations and important festivals to send their student cultural groups/military bands abroad for visits and performances. Apart from helping schools to foster a good reputation, this also publicizes Taiwan’s culture and improves Taiwan’s international image.
(4) Organize overseas study tours
Encourage all schools to make use of winter/summer vacations to organize overseas study tours for students and host short-term professional course trainings such as language courses, IT courses and so forth. The Department asks all schools to include “International Exchange” as one of their elective courses in their curriculum to help it gain prevalence.
(5) Make plans for the implementation and participation in international camps
The Department makes use of winter/summer vacations to organize various international camps (including the Youth International Affair Training Camp) and invite aspiring teenagers from other countries to come and participate. Reciprocally, the Department also encourages Taiwanese students to go abroad and participate in international camps hosted by other countries. Through the participation in these events, students from all over the world have the opportunity to share learning experience with one another through interactions. In addition, students and parents alike would be able to learn more about the education developments around the world.

●Future prospects

1. Continue to plan and expand various international exchange events.
2. Enhance students’ foreign language proficiency and communication abilities to promote cultural interaction and exchanges.
3. Help students cultivate international views that are broad and extensive.

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