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Vocational Education

Professional(Vocational) Education
Vocational school students on culinary training
Cheers team
Extraxurriculum activity
● General Information
Vocational education and the development of a nation’s economy are closely related. In the past five decades, professional education has contributed tremendously to the cultivation of basic skills, enabling the rapid growth of our economy. In spite of the fact that vocational
schools in Taiwan are operating in a difficult environment and in need of reform, vocational high school education with the mission of cultivating students’ basic vocational skills and professionalism remain an important part of intermediate education in Taiwan.
In 2007, there were 7 public and 10 private vocational high schools, 10 vocational high schools affiliated with senior high schools and 2 independent supplementary education schools making up a total of 29 schools divided into 6 categories and 41 departments. There were 1,298 classes, 54,643 students, 2,272 teachers and an average student to teacher ratio of 24.05 people.

●Important Measures

1. Ensure the quality of education by administering the vocational school evaluation program
To guide schools in Taipei city to construct a sound learning environment and realize the concept of “Betterness Education”, the Department has set up the quality school benchmarks for selection of outstanding schools. Schools that are selected will be presented with an award and the schools’ background information will also be published in the Department’s periodicals and website.
2. Promote gender equality to facilitate equal gender rights
In line with the promulgation of the “Gender Equality Education Act”, the Committee for Gender Equality Education of Taipei City Government officially came into being with the Mayor being the Head of Committee. Four taskforces operate under the Committee including Policy, Teaching, Social Education and Prevention. The concept of gender equality education is promoted from March to May each year at schools of all levels in Taipei City.
3. Introduce the “mentor teachers” program to effectively promote teaching quality
In line with the “Teachers’ Professional Development Evaluation” project run by the Ministry of Education and Taipei Municipal Government, the “Guidelines for the Establishment of Mentor Teachers at Senior High Schools and Below in Taipei City” was amended in 2007. Schools are required to register programs by submitting an application to the Department. Mentor teachers offer systematic teaching and administrative assistance, support and counseling to new teachers.
4. Communize vocational high schools in Taipei City to
set up adaptive learning communities
At present, there are three adaptive learning communities
in Taipei City with one in the north, one in the east and
one in the south. In each community, four respective
adaptive learning systems are set in place including normal, vocational, gifted students and students with disabilities. Students are given more schools to choose from within their own community.
5. Encourage vocational schools to reform, make adjustments to subject offers and curriculum in line with contemporary trends
To enable junior high school graduates to receive more diverse high school education to achieve the goals of adaptive education, vocational schools are encouraged to adjust their existing subject offers or undertake reforms. The Department has set up a core taskforce to respond to the announcement of and schedule for the pro forma vocational curriculum. The taskforce is in charge of running curriculum development workshops, setting up relevant standards and procedures, carrying out on-site assistance and visits and supporting schools to undergo reforms.
6. Promote technical and vocational education, encouraging students to make adaptive choices
The Department is dedicated to the promotion of technical and vocational education. To ensure course practicability, junior high school students studying vocational subjects are offered practical, lively, and diverse vocational curriculum. Students’ technical skills are enhanced through various technical competitions and certifications that equip them with the ability for further education or employment.
7. Administer the vocational school evaluation program to increase schools’ operational efficiency
The vocational school evaluation program will be carried out in 3 stages over 3 years. Stage 1 involves planning and preparation, Stage 2 involves project evaluation and Stage 3 involves follow-up and guidance, offering schools consultation and assistance services. Evaluation results will be made public, serving as a reference for the general public on the operating performance of vocational schools.
8. Improve vocational school students’ English and Mandarin competence to promote quality learning
To inspire the joy of language learning and improve the overall effects of language teaching and learning in vocational schools, the Department has put in place the language teaching project, forming the teaching guidance team for English and Mandarin teaching in vocational schools. Teachers share teaching experience through demonstrations, inter-school exchanges, language competitions for students and other multifaceted activities.
9. Offer vocational school students diverse exhibition and performance opportunities to develop their hobbies and talents
To inspire students’ potential and promote normal leisure activities for teenagers, the Department has organized performance demonstrations by school military bands, military carnivals, and weekend and public holiday shows by vocational school students. Junior high school students are encouraged to participate in summer camps and explore employment opportunities.
10. Assist with the sound development of private vocational schools to bring the effects of education into full play
To reduce the gap between tuition fees charged by pubic and private schools and encourage students to attend private schools, from 2002, students are offered a NT$6,000 subsidy per semester. Students receiving supplementary education are also incorporated in the scheme. The aim is to reduce family financial burden. To facilitate sound development of private schools, the Department also subsidized the cost of acquiring additional teaching equipment to improve teaching environment. From 1999 onward, the budget has been increased to NT$ 100 million (the highest on a national scale) to enhance teaching facilities at private vocational schools in Taipei. In addition, the Department will also organize relevant seminars on pertinent regulations for private schools to help their legal staff improve their legal knowledge and ultimately facilitate the sound development of school administration.

●Future Prospects

1. Implement the concept of a “refined education” and “One Specialty Per School” to guide schools create superior school environment.
2. In line with social developments, offer systematic assistance to vocational schools in making adjustments to existing subject offers and curriculum as well as undergoing reforms.
3. Plan for a new type of vocational school offering diverse, refined, and practical education, allowing students to make adaptive choices.
4. Guide teachers’ conceptual changes and enhancement in professional competence to facilitate professional growth.
5. Emphasize whole-person development of vocational school students in the hope that students will enjoy learning through practical, lively and adaptive curriculum planning. Students are expected to accomplish, have hopes in their lives and respect the preciousness of life.

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  • Vocational school students on culinary training
  • Cheers team
  • Extraxurriculum activity