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Primary Education

1. Primary schools in our country are compulsory education. Children are distributed to schools according to their household registration address. If they do not have a household registration in Taiwan, they can be distributed to the school according to the address of the residence permit. Please go to the school with the residence permit for registration.

Taipei City 2024 academic year primary school admission qualifications for new students are as follows:

a. Children who born between September 2, 2017 and September 1, 2018 (including September 1).

b. Children have household registration in Taipei City and have the fact of residence.

2. The registration time for new students in 2024 academic year is from May 25 (Saturday) ,2024 to June 3 (Monday), 2024. Parents only need to scan the QR code on the admission notice or enter the website "Taipei Elementary School Freshmen Registration Portal" (https://eschool.tp.edu.tw/new) to register online during the registration period.

For any further questions, please contact the Department of Education (+886)2-2720-8889-1999 ext 6373